✅️Of course, ideally – to look for a reason and work with it, because stress is a reaction, an indication that you need to pay attention to some areas in your life. Also it often goes side by side with anger and other not so pleasant emotions which are signalling to look in the direction of some unclosed need (needs).
What you can do superficially, quickly and now:
👉Sports or other activities through which you can release emotions. The best for this are: running, boxing, active fast dancing, etc.
👉Go for a walk.
👉Spend some time in solitude, just for yourself.
👉More extravagant, but effective methods: smashing dishes (if you didn’t know, there is such an activity in UK named rage rooms), shouting or singing loudly (there is also a special activity or just go where you feel comfortable and go ahead)
👉Breathing exercises. They help to quickly calm down and tone up.
👉 Tactile exercises. Working with clay/plasticine/sand/earth etc. with bare hands. It can be either different types of creativity or gardening.
👉Meditations. There are special ones aimed at the releasing emotions and reducing stress.
👉 Interaction with the elements. I already wrote about earth and air (breathing) above. You can throw drawings or written descriptions of stressful situations into the fire. Also while standing under the shower, you can imagine how the water washes away any negative feelings, renews you.
👉Speak. Name the emotion that is felt, for example: “I feel angry right now.” On how many points from 1 to 10 do you feel it? Where is it located in your body? How does it manifest itself? Tell yourself, “It’s perfectly normal to feel angry.”
Find words of support and love for yourself, as if you are now your child who needs to be supported. You can even write them down and reread them. Maybe you want to do something for yourself. Ask yourself: “What can I do to help myself now, how can I take care of myself?”. Do it.
These are just some examples of exercises. You can also look for your own, come up with something unique.
❗️The main rule: “Listen to yourself and your needs.”
And yes, it is normal to feel any emotions. They are just a signal that something is wrong somewhere. Emotions are not bad in themselves. So never blame yourself for them. Everything is okay with you.
With care and love for yourself💝